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The therapeutic colours of Ayurveda

The benefits of the therapeutic colours in relation with the three Doshas classified in the Ayurvedic science.
The ayurvedic therapy is based on the concept of the three Doshas.
The 5 natural elements (ether, wind, water, fire and earth) turn into biological elements and they combine in 3 "qualities" called Dosha: VataPitta and Kapha.
Vata, composed of air and ether, is the lightest and it is represented by the light blue.
Pitta, composed of fire and a small part of water, is the middle one, represented by the yellow. Kapha, composed of earth and water, is the most heavy, represented by the white.

It is rarely that Doshas are equally distributed in one individual. Usually two of them are predominant, thus they denote which of the elements is naturally the highest one and consequently to which element that person has to pay attention to.
For each of the three constitutional types that are described in the Ayurvedic Medicine, there are different therapeutic colours that bring benefits and provoke different emotions. According to Ayurveda, colours when properly used, can balance the three Doshas, thus having therapeutic results, because they can compensate our imbalances.

Chromotherapy affects the brain activity through the hypothalamus, the organ that regulates and controls the endocrine gland, consequently it also affects the energetic points on the human body that are associated to the autonomic nervous system and to the hormones regulation. The connotation of colours is strictly determined by the natural frequency intrinsic in every entity of the Universe and it is in relation with the light that goes through this entity as well as the senses that perceive it.
Our body has a specific wavelength: what we perceive via our senses by interacting with the environment influences our dynamic balance.

Therapeutic colours for the Vata type

Dosha Vata prefers warm and energetic colours like red, orange, yellow or even white.
The colours should be soft and pale in order to avoid the mind stimulation, because Vata has a cold and hyperactive nature and is not predisposed to bright and vibrant colours. Therefore, pastel colours are to prefer for this Dosha, while black, brown and grey are absolutely to avoid, as they turn off and inhibit the Vata type.

Therapeutic colours for the Pitta type

Dosha Pitta, having a natural inclination to warmth and aggression, prefers cold, pale and mild colours. Intense and bright colours of any tonality must be completely excluded, especially red in order not to overload the Pitta "fire".
Since Pitta is dominated by the fire energy, blue and light blue colours are surely good to calm down the Pitta type.

Therapeutic colours for the Kapha type

Dosha Kapha is characterized by damp and heaviness, it should use arid, warm, stimulating and energizing colours while avoiding pale colours like white, grey, blue, and black.
The Kapha "heaviness" can be stimulated through warm, bright and lavish colours like purple red and yellow, or even gold. Red is the best colour for Kapha, as it stimulates and harmonizes this Dosha.
As a rule, every person should use those colours that calm down the own dominating or aggravated Dosha.
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