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An introduction to Ayurvedic Massage and its benefits

A massage is much more than just a pampering treat. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used to improve the psychophysical well-being since ancient times.
In Ayurveda, there are different types of relaxing and holistic body massages, each one coming with its own principles and benefits. In this blog post, Dr Silvia Serio, head of the Ayurveda centre at the Hotel Caesius Thermae & SPA Resort, helps us get to know different types of massages and their characteristics.

Are you interested in Ayurvedic medicine? Find out more about our Ayurveda Centre here.

What is an Ayurvedic massage?

A massage (abhyanga) is a millenary technique based on the principles of Ayurveda that helps people to maintain or rediscover health and psychophysical well-being through the elimination of toxins (ama), the increase of vitality and the relaxation of body and mind. Abhyanga is a Sanskrit term that derives from the words "abhi" (splendour) and "anga" (limb) and can be translated as "shining body".
In India, the life of a newborn begins with an oil massage. This ritual is performed daily until the child is three years old. From a psychological point of view, the massage with oil reminds of the amniotic fluid in the womb and accompanies the newborn on the path of incarnation.
In adulthood, massage can be performed for people with almost any kind of physical condition or illness (some exceptions are mentioned below), at any time of year and at any age.  

How is an Ayurvedic massage performed?

When performed by a professional operator, the patient lies on a massage table and is massaged from head to toe with selected oils.
In the case of self-massage, it is important to perform it on both sides of the body with the same force and intensity, and to include feet, back, neck and head. It is recommended to massage oneself daily and to take a warm shower afterwards.
The massages can be personalised with specific oils depending on the constitutional type. The intensity and duration of the massage can also be customized according to the dosha that needs to be corrected.  
To balance the Vata dosha, a warming massage is performed with deep, relaxing movements, paying special attention to the back and the colon area. To balance the Pitta dosha, cooling oils are applied to the body through a gentle massage in a centrifugal direction, focusing on the area of Pitta accumulation, for example the small intestine under the sternum. Finally, to balance the Kapha dosha, warming oils are used during a vigorous and deep massage with kneading and tapping movements in a centripetal direction.

The benefits of abhyanga

Abhyanga, whether performed by a qualified therapist or by oneself, has the following benefits: 
•    Anti-aging (jarahar)
•    Reduces fatigue (shramahar)
•    Eliminates excess Vata dosha (vatahar)
•    Improves eyesight (darshanakar)
•    Increases physical endurance (pushtikar)

... and there’s more:
•    Prolongs life (ayushkar)
•    Improves sleep (swapnakar)
•    Improves skin elasticity (twakdhritakar)
•    Boosts the immune system (klesha sahatwa)
•    Accelerates wound healing (abhighat sahatwa)
•    Rebalances Vata and Kapha (kapha-vata-nirodhaka)
•    Improves complexion and resilience of the skin (mrija varna balaprada)

When to avoid Ayurvedic massage?

As with all practices, there are contraindications to Ayurvedic massage and in some specific cases it is recommended to avoid the treatment:

•    During the first 3 days of menstruation
•    During the first 2 days of fever
•    During the first 3 months of pregnancy
•    During the digestive phase
•    In the presence of acute inflammations  
•    In the presence of neoplasms
•    In the presence of severe heart diseases
•    With a full stomach or bladder


Ayurvedic massage is a practice that improves the physical and psychological well-being of people of all ages and can be customised according to one's needs and dosha. Thanks to specialised therapists at the well-equipped thermal centre, this massage is authentically performed at Hotel Caesius Thermae & SPA Resort.

Would you like to experience the benefits of Ayurvedic massage or other spa treatments?
Read here to find out more about the treatments and programmes available at the Thermal Centre of Hotel Caesius. 
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