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The Horse in Love statue at Hotel Caesius: a work of art, a legacy of kindness

In the lush garden of the Hotel Caesius Thermae & SPA Resort in Bardolino lies a beautiful artwork with an evocative history you probably don’t know.

We are talking about the Cavallo Innamorato (Horse in Love), a magnificent bronze sculpture weighing a staggering 45 quintals, standing proudly between the main building and the pool area.

The statue was crafted by Pino Castagna, an important Italian sculptor who spent most of his life in Verona and Lake Garda. His most famous works include Lo Spino del Filo Spinato, a monument dedicated to the Shoah and located in Piazza Isolo, in the centre of Verona.

The Cavallo Innamorato holds a story intertwined with the illustrious Borletti family of Milan. 
Our tale begins at Villa Idania in Garda, the sprawling estate of Ida Borletti, daughter of Senator Borletti, the founder of Milan's iconic department store, La Rinascente (a name coined by the famed poet Gabriele D'Annunzio – who was also a family friend). This villa housed a wild and untameable horse which was a constant source of frustration, as no one was able to approach him. Yet, all this changed when a young girl with long blond hair stepped into his life and found a way to bond with him. That person was Pino Castagna's daughter.

The girl often attended the villa with her father, and on each visit she patiently brought the horse his favourite treat: carrots. This simple act, fuelled by kindness, began to chip away at the horse's hardened exterior, gradually building a bridge of trust and affection.

This remarkable connection didn't escape Ida's notice. Inspired by the sudden and unexpected transformation of the horse and a passionate art lover herself, she commissioned a sculpture from Castagna to immortalise the unique bond between the horse and the girl.

Once Castagna had finished the approximately one-metre-high plasterboard prototype, however, Ida changed her mind and the project remained incomplete until the inauguration of our hotel. To celebrate this meaningful story, a majestic bronze masterpiece was created and still graces our garden.

The impact of this artwork is undeniable. Its grandeur first captivates the eye, followed by the profound emotion evoked by the almost symbiotic union of the horse and girl, a testament to their joyful connection. This powerful image, reminiscent of Canova's legendary Cupid and Psyche, subtly conveys the work's true message: with kindness and empathy, even the most unexpected bonds can blossom.
Now that you've delved into the Cavallo Innamorato's captivating history, all that’s left to do is witness its magic firsthand.

And make it a memory!

Take a souvenir photo next to the sculpture and share it on Instagram by tagging @hotelcaesius and adding the hashtags #hotelcaesius #cavalloinnamorato #horseinlove

We can't wait to see it! 
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